New guy sits outside his office as members of the department begin approaching his door, of course he has called them to come immediately, there's a body in his office! It couldn’t be just any-body, it had to be the private detective, who he wanted to speak to. After his nerves have calmed, he looks through the photographs of his office, the scene of the latest crime, wondering just how all of it could have happened. There were papers scattered everywhere, useless now that they were coated in blood. The office is a complete mess, just like it was at the mansion.
“Like we didn’t know him for long man, but like, man he was always working with us!” shouts Tex, their second evidence technician, he looked as if he were about to cry.
“You don’t think the murderer is after us right?” Evi looked for reassurance but of course she hit it right on the nose.
“I, i saw him interviewing one of the victims' families last night, through the window of the mansion…” New guy finally spoke up, catching the ears of everyone in the room.
“You did?” asked Mr. Detective, looking at him so intensely.
“Yeah, I..uh.. hung around for a moment after you had left..”
“So he learned something he shouldn’t have.” stated Lystcifer. Being an analyst, he began putting the pieces together of what may have happened last night.
“And they did it in our department,” Ana noted, sounding disgusted at the idea.
“So it must have been one of us,” Mr. Detective breaks the ice, it was something everyone in the room was thinking, but no one wanted to state it. Everyone stood in silence as they glared at each other
“Guys, let's not jump so quickly! We should look for more evidence!” New guys' pleas are ignored as the team breaks out into arguments,trying to find ways to pin it on someone other than themselves.
“Everyone!” Shouts Mr. Detective, making the arguments come to a halt.
“What the New guy was trying to say is that we shouldn’t start pinning blame to each other until we’ve gathered all the facts. This senseless finger pointing is getting us nowhere.”
Mr. Detective's words fill everyone with the courage to solve this case as quickly as possible. They all agree and disband as they head to their offices to continue their research.
“But wait, what office do I use, since mine is now, ya know..?” New guy gestures to the murderscene beside them.
“Follow me to mine, i’m going to be out most of the day so you can flip through my research.” Mr. Detective turns, walking down the hall to what must be his own office.
Once New guy catches up on the case, The death of a noble's daughter with no discernible cause. He can now check through his own gathered research, given to him when he joined the case.The research that was placed in his office so that he could begin his part of the investigation. The office that is now a crime scene for the private detective. He yanks his hair at the thought of entering that room again, but he has too, all the paperwork he needs is in there!
“It's for the sake of the case.” he tells himself repeatedly as he paces down the hall, standing at the door he had opened hours ago. Gripping the handle, he hypes himself up. Only to have the door slam into his nose.
“Oh New guy, what's up man!” Tex smiles at him holding what looks to be papers soaked in the private detective's blood.
“Ow! Oh hey, I left some of my papers in there, do you think you could grab my suitcase?” New guy found his opening, now he wouldn’t have to enter the room!
“We just finished photographing and collecting everything! Now you can wreck the place so feel free to grab what you need!” Tex laughs as he walks to the lab beside him. NO! His opening has slammed shut, just like the door slamming into his face earlier! He doesn’t want to face the room! But he must perceiver, everyone else is putting in the work for this case he can’t slack off like this!
Entering the room he notices it's still covered in blood but atleast the body is gone. His papers lay on the desk, thankfully in a bloodless condition. Now examining the room, what are all these bloody papers about on the floor? He thought that the Evidence technicians would have collected all of them for research, but maybe they had just assumed that these were his own. Picking the paper up by the corner, he holds it up to the light to see what text was previously written on it. They were papers about previous cases, not just any cases but ones Mr. Detective had worked on! It got stranger as he examined more of the papers. A photograph of the mansion he was at yesterday appeared, but it was clearly an older photo compared to the ones they took yesterday. Mr Detective had worked on a case for the family in the past? He scrambled to collect the least damaged of the papers to further investigate in the detectives office, these papers must have had to do with the case!